Sunday, February 21, 2010

Chillin In The Kitchen

On a lazy day of playing and watching Sophia decided a good place to relax would be on the kitchen floor right by the dog bowl. I'm not sure at all what the logic behind this was...perhaps to be near me in the kitchen...or maybe she's two and doesn't need logic. It's cute anyway.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Fun In Snow

Remember the days when everything was fun. Snow especially. Well, today I was reminded of that. The snow has been falling steadily from before my alarm. Joe went out before lunch to clear it from the driveway and sidewalk. I bundled Miss Sophie and set her out with him. It was wonderful. I just had to snap a picture.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Sleeping Beauty

Kids, especially toddlers are so cute when they sleep. In this one, Sophie is taking an early nap, having fallen asleep on the floor at 10am.

There must have been too much fun that morning.