Thursday, May 24, 2012

The First Crop - Radishes

Today is a historic day in 2012 - well, sort of. It was the first day we ate something from the garden. While thinning out radishes in the kid garden, we found a few large enough to eat. There's a picture of Sophie holding up her prize.

She was very excited to try the radishes. We tried them all different ways, and she even liked them raw. But her absolute favorite was a radish sandwich with a thin slice of Italian bread, a layer of cream cheese, some radish slices, snipped chives topped with a bit more cream cheese and bread. It gave her the energy she needed to be her silly self. We hope you have as much fun gardening as we do!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

First Major Snow Of The Winter

So at lunch today we went outside to enjoy the snow that was finally gracing Wisconsin in January. Sophia wanted to shovel (bless her little heart) and I just wanted to tired everyone out before nap time. They're saying we're going to get 6 inches. It hasn't stopped snowing since 11 am. Drive safe everyone.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

First Time Ice Skating

New year's even in Ohio, we all went to downtown Columbus, some of us for ice skating, some of us for a hockey game, and some of us for both. Sophie got her first chance to go ice skating, which she was very excited about until she was actually out on the ice. It was very difficult (and she hadn't had a nap that day, too much fun with grandma and grandpa). She did make it around once with Dad's help and mom managed to get a picture, so it's immortalized. Alex stayed on the outside and gave us high 5's on the glass as we went by. Of course later, he fell and bumped his head so badly they wanted to call a paramedic, but after the golf ball on his forehead went down, he was fine with a nice bruise to prove he'd had fun at the skating rink too.

Sunday, December 25, 2011


Merry Christmas! We hope all your celebrations are as fun as ours. This year one of the activities was splitting into teams and turning one member into a snowman (no snow outside).

A big THANK YOU to all our great friends and family - we love you all!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

First Snow Fall

Sophie has wanted to make snow angels since she saw Caillou do it on PBS (I know, I know). So when we woke up this morning and the snow had made a pictureque layer over the world, what could I say, No, sorry, we have company coming and have to clean. It was the truth, but that's not what winter mornings are about. So we went outside for an hour to make snow angels and snowman, well snowmounds. The snow was very powdery and dry. Not at all good for building. Sophie was a little upset we couldn't make snowballs.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Picnic Time

Sophie has all the sudden started having picnics. Today she had everything spread out and ready before she called me. It was lovely. Except Alex was the only one who got any real food, although Odin thought he might. Sophie took both the pictures of Odin and Alex, by the way. She's getting so mature (LOL). She's also wearing Alex's 12 month black shirt he got for his birthday. I wondered why the sleeves were short and it just reached her waist. I don't know where she got it from (she's been getting dressed herself these days), but Alex didn't mind sharing.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Sofa Pillows Are The Best

Sophie pulled the back sofa cushions onto the floor as a soft landing she could jump onto. Alex thought it was a great idea. They played until there was a collision, laughing, yelling, smiling. It was great - well, until I had to get the boo-boo bunny out for Sophie's nose. Alex didn't quite understand though, since he started smiling and climbing on Sophie and me. Oh, well, he'll learn.
Soon, he started just walking himself around the living room. But he wouldn't open his eyes for a picture. Darn flash.