Sophia has a new playmate ... a newfoundland / huskie puppy. He's 10 weeks old now and full of energy. While not completely housebroken, we are making large strides, which really helps.
Sophia likes it when he chases things she throws, but otherwise, doesn't really like him. If
I'm playing with Odin, she'll climb into my lap, yell 'MAMA' or otherwise try to get my attention. It's probably a good step for her to get used to sharing attention in case she has a brother or sister someday, but it is an adjustment.
Odin is also jealous. If I'm playing on the floor with Sophia, he climbs into the middle of whatever we're doing or into my lap. It would be funny, if I didn't have to constantly fight one or the other of them off. We're all adjusting though and his cute puppy ways are even winning Joe over...although slowly.

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