We had four little ones running around our house when the Gehrke's and the Reik's came over, not to mention a curious 2 month old puppy. With six adults, we were able to keep everything under control, but I'm fairly confident we'll be out numbered soon.
Natalie got a hold of the Christmas train and kept yelling "choo-choo." (She lives right by the train tracks). Carson loved being a chef with the toy mixer and MacKenna was just being her happy self.
Aunt Meredith has had 9 robust black puppies (okay, Luna actually had them), but we go to play with them regularly. They are about two and a half weeks old now. They todder around with open eyes, but still can't see well.
Sophia likes to play with them.
And Mom's already picked out her favorite...the one she wants to call Percy.
They'll be going to new homes after Thanksgiving, but until then they are a cute and cuddly bunch as long as they're fed.
We are moving September 28th (not much time), so we are hard at work packing and preparing. It should be fun. The link to see pictures is at: http://www.shorewest.com/vp/ListingServlet?SITE=SHOREW&ScreenID=LISTING_DETAIL_P&EXCEEDLIMIT=null&totalFound=0&cd_MLS=1205888
(And no, the 70's furniture didn't come with the house -- I know, we were disappointed too. ;)