Okay, so I’ve redated many of these. What can I say, a lot has happened. At the end of April I was in Chicago for a week long business trip. It was grand, but I missed everyone terribly. Luckily, the week following, Joe, Sophia and I flew down to Florida to spend time with the Refermats. It was lovely. The hotel was right across the street from the beach and there was a 24 pharmacy/convenience store right on the first floor, plus lots of bars with live music. What else could you want.

Unfortunately, I only got a few pictures snapped off. Besides playing at the beach (which Sophia loved as long as someone held her out of the waves), Sophia got to experience the old adage, “What goes up, must come down.” That’s her on the sofa. She fell asleep while eating a banana.
Our favorite place for a night time drink became a bar called Lulu’s. So totally fun, and with the best NA Pina Colada’s anywhere in North America (so Joe says). It had live music almost every night. Sophia even started dancing to it, dazzling the people who were there to eat and listen. It was the cutest thing…but of course, I didn’t have my camera. When we came back to Wisconsin, reality was a tough transition. Luckily, we had friends and family to help get us through.