Wednesday, June 18, 2008

On Hands and Knees

Sophia is almost 8 months old (tomorrow) and she's been accomplishing quite a bit lately. While in Ohio she put the arm, opposite knee, other arm, other knee together and started crawling. It's shakey and she really has to be motivated, but she can do it. We'll let you know when she starts cruising. Here's a video of her chasing the cat (which, as it turns out, is very motivating).

Visiting Ohio

We just got back from visiting Ohio for Aunt Annie's Graduation from Wright State University. Sophia was soooo distracted by the people she hardly wanted to eat or sleep. Grandma doted on her and she got to meet the San Diego Refermats. Allison even tickled her feet. It was a great time, except when Grandpa left the air conditioning on low and Sophia rolled out of her blankets. Brrr, but some socks on the hands and warm milk made everything all better. Emily and Joe are a little exhausted (94 through Chicago was a mess...and Emily did more than a little swearing). But everyone got home safe and sound. And dry, which is a feat these days in Wisconsin.

Sophia at Work

These days Sophia is assisting with work. That's a grocery bill Joe's holding to be entered into Quicken. And Sophia's reading Mom's "to do" list to her. Sophia is ever so helpful. She's going to be running errands herself just as soon as her feet can reach the car pedals.


See, the sun does shine in Wisconsin. And thank goodness my great Aunt Lynn sent me a pair of sunglasses for those walks around sullivan.