Saturday, December 27, 2008

Reaching Beyond

At great grandma Jane’s house, Sophia took to reading in bed. She would stand up and pull that book off the table right behind her pack and play bed. She did it every time. She would wake up and start reading (albeit upside down) with Dinah’s ear in her mouth. We would walk in to check on her and catch her at it. The first time we caught her, she’d pulled off the basket of potpourri, mom’s camera and a number of other items not baby-approved into her bed, but after that her parents made sure the book and a few choice toys were the only things within her ever growing reach.

Friday, December 26, 2008

New CD and Wardrobe – Black Ice

Sophia and Dad were both equally excited when they discovered one of Uncle Mark’s gifts from England. The music in the background should have been from the new CD – Black Ice – that Joe got, but they settled for just matching tops. Joe wore his black AC DC shirt all day too.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Monday, December 15, 2008

Hamper Hat

Okay, this one needs a little explanation. Sophia found her hamper and all on her own started lifting it up. It’s very light. Then the game turned into putting it on her head. I caught it on camera. I swear we aren’t torturing her.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Just Cute

That face is going to break boys' hearts someday. Right now she's got a hat that she keeps taking on and off. It's a hat like Indiana Jones wears (it was once part of such a costume), and she is just having a ball making her parents laugh as she puts it on and rips it again...asthough that was the best game in the world.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Toddler Trouble

Sophia seems to have entered toddlerhood. I found her decimating a napkin on the floor of the living room. And it had only been a minute, maybe two at most. I knew it was too quiet. The soft rustling of paper tearing tipped me off. What could I do but take a picture? :)

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Dinah Blow Your Horn

Okay, well, Dinah in our house is a dog. Anyway, here's Sophia getting ready for Trainfest 2009. She's very excited to go with her Grandpa Burger.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

"I'm too sexy for my hat"

It's Aunt Meredith's hat anyway and I'm too young to be singing that song.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Sophia had her first Halloween. We attended a crazy daycare halloween party, (it was maddness) and the next day went trick-or-treating at the Meadowbrook Mall (where Dad could show her off to other business owners). Can you guess what she was?

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Happy Birthday Sophia!

Sophia turned one on October 19th. She invited her three kids friends, Lauren, Natalie and Carson (as well as their parents) and family (including friends of Emily's who might as well be family). Sophia was adorable in her new pink dress, all satiny and is sporting a pink bow in the pebbles hair style. She's posing from in front of Aunt Tina's chair. Dad and Mom worked tirelessly on tinkerbell decorations, and special neon cupcakes for the group. Sophia's Grandpa Burger thoughtfully recorded a short video which has many of the guests who helped make the big day "magical." Thanks Everyone!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Mirror Mirror on the wall...

Sorry it's been a while since I posted, but October has been a crazy month. I was gone on a business trip the week of October 13th and here's Sophia helping me pack...well unpack really. It's just a funny picture I thought would embarras her later in life.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Saturday, September 20, 2008

11 Months and Four Teeth

Sophia is officially 11 months old. She's standing up, and walking along furniture, chairs, anything with a handhold. She's also standing up without holding on to things. We expect her to take her first step in the next month for sure. She's started climbing on things as well, her parents, the step stool, the pantry cabinet, etc. She's got the cat's curiosity.

As for teeth, she's got top and bottom ones now. She's learned that they click when put together. Unfortunately, she's also learned that she has to be careful not to bite her tongue (there was actually blood once -- I felt so bad).

She's doing well. We are dealing with a bit of pink eye, but she's coping. She tortures the cat, finds mischief everywhere and exhausts her parents. What else is a baby to do.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Too much fun

Hmmm, Joe, have you seen my Margarita? Sophie, what have you got there? (just kidding)

Water Baby

Sophia took to the lake beautifully in a borrowed baby boat. Joe and I pushed her back and forth as she laughed and smiled for the camera.

Labor Day

For Labor Day, the WI Refermats took to the north woods with friends. The Gehrke cabin on Moon Lake in St. Germain is always picturesque, relaxing and with three children under two years old -- never dull.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Joe's Disguise

It appears to be just another Tuesday afternoon, but it is really a secret competition: who is having more fun? Wish you were here. :)

Sunday, July 27, 2008

My two front teeth

Sophia's teeth are coming in slowly but surely.
She says: count them...1, 1 1/2!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

9 Months - Hooray

Sophia is nine months old. She's grown so much neither of her parents can believe it. And she's finally got a tooth. Well, not a full one yet, but there's two lower front teeth sticking up through the gum. Ouch...don't let her use your finger for a teething ring. Those ridges are sharp on brand new teeth. However, Sophia did not cooperate and let me take a picture of the almost teeth, so you'll have to just wait and see them in person. But we did spend some time on the balconey. We may not have a swing, but we'll have fresh tomatoes come the fall.

A Swinger

While Mom and Dad were packing up the car from camping, Sophia had Mrs. and Mr. Gehrke look after her. They took her out into their yard and let her swing. She gave them her best smile for it. I'm worried she's thinking of trading us in for parents who have a full playset in their backyard.

Camping..well sort of

Sophia's first camping trip was on July 11. And it was great. We opted to camp in the Gehrke's back yard (stop snickering - it was going to storm). It was a lovely time with the Reiks, the Gehrke's and the Refermats. We even got a fire in. However, at 3 a.m. the winds picked up and were blowing the tents inwards. We dodged the rain drops and spent the night in the living. The next day all three tents were still bravely standing, and we were dry. You can see that Carson, Natalie and Sophia entertained themselves very well while we were erecting the campsite... or maybe just having a good conversation.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Standing Tall

Sophia has started pulling herself up on everything. And from Sophia's point of view it must have looked like a great big jungle gym. She followed the cat into the center, then started pulling herself up. It's not an optical illusion; she actually is in the middle of the bars. I guess its days of a drying rack are numbered.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

New Friends

Sophia attended her first product party at Emily's Friend "Aunt" Brenda's house where she met lots of new people, one of which was Lauren. Daughter of another good friend "Aunt" Lisa, Lauren is almost four years old and loves to play mom. She showed us all her baby, which was hungry and preferred pretzels to carrots. Lauren was taken with Sophia and wanted her to walk and talk and play. Brenda's trying to make both girls happy.
When Sophia became entranced by Aunt Lisa's shiny gold bracelet, it was Lauren who said, "Mom, she can have it." And what was Lisa to do. Lisa had to share. "She's going to be a jewelry girl," Lisa predicts. We'll see.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

On Hands and Knees

Sophia is almost 8 months old (tomorrow) and she's been accomplishing quite a bit lately. While in Ohio she put the arm, opposite knee, other arm, other knee together and started crawling. It's shakey and she really has to be motivated, but she can do it. We'll let you know when she starts cruising. Here's a video of her chasing the cat (which, as it turns out, is very motivating).

Visiting Ohio

We just got back from visiting Ohio for Aunt Annie's Graduation from Wright State University. Sophia was soooo distracted by the people she hardly wanted to eat or sleep. Grandma doted on her and she got to meet the San Diego Refermats. Allison even tickled her feet. It was a great time, except when Grandpa left the air conditioning on low and Sophia rolled out of her blankets. Brrr, but some socks on the hands and warm milk made everything all better. Emily and Joe are a little exhausted (94 through Chicago was a mess...and Emily did more than a little swearing). But everyone got home safe and sound. And dry, which is a feat these days in Wisconsin.

Sophia at Work

These days Sophia is assisting with work. That's a grocery bill Joe's holding to be entered into Quicken. And Sophia's reading Mom's "to do" list to her. Sophia is ever so helpful. She's going to be running errands herself just as soon as her feet can reach the car pedals.


See, the sun does shine in Wisconsin. And thank goodness my great Aunt Lynn sent me a pair of sunglasses for those walks around sullivan.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Toy Haven

Ah, a beautiful Saturday morning surronded by my favorite toys. And mom, blinding me with the camera.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

I love big girl food!


Prunes are dried plums. They are also good for....shhh. As baby food they look a lot like chocolate. Joe couldn't wait to expose Sophia to prunes. It really brought him joy. And check out the results. Joe even bought a bag of prunes for us to eat, so we wouldn't be left out. I have to say, the baby food version is better.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Sophia's achieved another milestone this week. She's started to sit up unassisted. She even puts her arms out to steady herself. She seems very happy she doesn't have to lay on her back all the time anymore.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


The smiles are coming more and more ... especially for visitors who bring toys.

Big Girl

Sophia's almost 6 months old now. She's just gotten so big. See the earth in her shadow. She can touch the clouds (especially when she's on Dad's shoulders).

Baby Bites

How many people does it take to feed a baby? As many as possible. Everyone wants to be involved with some rice cereal. Good thing she's got her funky, monkey bib on. :)

Baptismal Bliss

Well, the good news is Sophia looked adorable in the baptismal dress. The same one I wore when I was her age. And, predictably, she was happy until the man in the robe poured water on her. Still, she recovered quickly. She probably couldn't wait to get back to being the center of her grandparents' and aunt's attention.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


It was a white Easter here is Wisconsin, with nearly 10 inches on the ground. We still got dressed up though, even Sophia in an adorable flowery dress that she managed to keep fairly clean (with the help of many a bib). We had a small Easter in Sullivan with the Burgers (Meredith was on Break in California) and spent most of the time eating, talking and doting on the baby (it's a reoccuring theme). Sophia is starting to squeak and make yelling noises as well as the goo's and gaa's she was making before. She still hates tummy time and bathes, but likes her feet rubbed and has great head control. She can almost sit up by herself. She's getting so big, almost 13 pounds, and is so tall she's in her 6 month clothes already.

Sunday, March 16, 2008


Sophia's friend Natalie (in purple), visited yesterday with her parents Matt and Marci. They enjoyed some playtime on Grandma Ref's quilt. Natalie is 9 months old now and crawling.

The girls were playing nicely together for awhile, interested in the "other" baby. But there was a little too much interest. The fun started to get out of hand or rather, Natalie was using her hand to "play" with Sophia. Marci, or Mrs. Gehrke, had to break it up before there were tears.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Grandma Ref came to visit this weekend from Ohio. Sophia had a wonderful time. She got rocked to sleep, cuddled, read to, held, fed and changed all with Grandma’s flair. She even waited to roll over for the first time until Grandma was here. Grandma was holding the alligator A taggie just up over Sophia head. Higher to one side it went, Sophia watching it…until boop. Sophia was on her back. Yeah!

The sad part was when it was time to say good bye. Grandma was flying back to Ohio. That fat lower lip says it all. “We’ll miss you Grandma.”

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Strike A Pose

Mom and Sophia show off their fashionable hair ribbons for fun.

Four Months

At four months old, Sophia is a doll. She's getting up regularly once a night (not too shabby) between 3:30am and 5am. She's on a schedule (well, pretty much) during the day and growing well. We figure she must be 14 pounds by now, more when she wants to be held.

She still loves the bouncy seat the best, but the swing is fun too when she has something to read (okay, look at). She holds herself up when on her stomach, but still hasn't decided she wants to roll over. Tummy time isn't her favorite.

Super Girl

Supergirl is one of her favorite games and can get her to stop crying almost anytime. (This is a tip for those of you who want to baby-sit). "Stand up, sit down" is also a winner.


Harold has been Sophia’s favorite toy for awhile now. He’s been poked, prodded, laughed at, molested and admired, but he doesn’t mind. Him and his buddy buzz the bee still keep coming back to Sophia for more. Joe calls Harold her homeboy – which makes us all laugh.